Blade of Blackpoole
by Sirius
(Paperboard folder package)

A fantasy quest centered around a magical sword, Sirius' Blade of Blackpoole was one of the earliest non-Infocom multiple-sentence parser adventures. This advantage was offset by a hideous inventory-management system, which permitted the player to carry no more than five items at a time. Employs the same interface as Sierra's and any number of early graphic adventures: Hi-res pics with a four-line space for text at the bottom.

The earliest release is a paperboard folder with instructions printed on the inside (originally sold in a plastic bag). Presumably at least some of the other Sirius titles -- Critical Mass, Escape from Rungistan, Gruds in Space, Kabul Spy -- were released in this type of package as well, though I have yet to see them. (Blackpoole is the most common of all Sirius releases.)


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