Four-in-One Infocom Sampler
by Infocom
(Later release)

Infocom released two different Four-in-One Sampler disks. The first, in 1984, contained playable demos of Zork I, Infidel, and Planetfall, a non-interactive transcript from The Witness, and the introductory "Catch a Butterfly" I-F tutorial by Marc Blank. (The second sampler, dated 1987, let you play a few moves from Zork I, Leather Goddesses of Phobos, Trinity, and Wishbringer.)

Infocom published these in an effort to recruit new players into their ranks. The suggested retail price was $7.95, but if you liked the sampler enough to buy a full Infocom title, you could cut out a coupon on the back of the blister pack and mail it in with the full game's registration card for a rebate. If you didn't like it, you could return the original disk with the coupon and store receipt, and get back the purchase price.

Like the InvisiClues, these were usually opened and used right away, making it rare to get one still sealed in the blister.


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