Links to Other Software-Collecting Sites

If you encounter any problems with any of these links, or if you have a classic software page of your own or know of one I don't have listed here, please let me know. I am only looking for pages about software collecting or commercially released adventure games, preferably from a historical perspective. Nothing about freeware or shareware, pirate/abandonware download sites, or writing text games, please.

Information About Collectible Software

Adventure Classic Gaming
Lots of reviews, articles, and solutions for vintage adventure games. (Maintained by Philip Jong.)
The Adventure International Memorial
A tribute to Scott Adams and company. (Maintained by David Lodge.)
The most complete list of adventure games and companies I've seen. (Maintained by Stefan Meier.)
Classic Adventure Solutions Archive
Solutions and maps to an impressive number of adventure games, including many obscure and non-English ones. (Maintained by Jacob Gunness.)
The Collectible Ultima
First-rate online reference for Ultima collectors. (Maintained by Underworld Dragon.)
The Colossal Cave Adventure Page
Everything you need to know about the great old mainframe adventure game that started it all!
Computer Gaming World Museum
An online archive of Computer Gaming World magazines.
ComputerSpiele Museum
In Berlin, once visited by yours truly!
Digital Press
The ultimate source for classic videogaming, everything from consoles to computers to coin-ops. Collector's guide, emulators, info on everything from Atari to Zork.
Don Woods' Home Page
Talk to one of the Colossal Cave co-authors! And find out what other kinds of games he's into.
The Dot Eaters: Classic Video Game History
Includes a great section on computer game history (click Player 4), with sections on text games and Ultima. (I never knew grues weren't Infocom's original creation!) (Maintained by William Hunter.)
Down From the Top of Its Game
The phenomenal M.I.T. paper on the rise and fall of Infocom.
The Giant List of Classic Game Programmers
(Maintained by James Hague.)
The Infocom Documentation Project
An Activision-sanctioned preservation project, collecting .PDF versions of all the Infocom game manuals, newsletters, and InvisiClues. (Maintained by Gunther Schmidl and Roger J. Long.)
The Infocom Fact Sheet
The definitive reference on Infocom games, packages, data files, Implementors, company history, and just about anything else you could think of. (Maintained by Paul David Doherty.)
The Infocom Gallery
Pictures of Infocom game packaging and contents.
The Interactive Fiction Collector's Guide
Web-based version of Manuel's collector reference. Features package scans and details, and company info. (Maintained by Manuel Schulz.)
The Leisure Suit Larry Archive Site
Great-looking site on the history of all things Larry. (Maintained by Adam Hearn.)
The Level 9 Memorial
The world's most comprehensive guide on that other great adventure game company. (Maintained by Manuel Schulz.)
The Magnetic Scrolls Memorial
(Maintained by Stefan Meier.)
A site attempting to maintain a complete history of computer gaming. Stop by and share your info with them. Originally created by Jim Leonard and Brian Hirt, but sold to GameFly several years ago.
The Museum of Computer Adventure Game History
Lots of cover scans, as well as registration cards / catalogs. Includes cover scans of all New Zork Times / Status Line and Questbusters issues. Games for sale, too. (Maintained by Howard Feldman.)
PDD's Adventure Page
Paul David Doherty's page, covering the major adventure publishers of the 1980s. A great start for collectors looking to move beyond Infocom.
The Personal Computer Museum
An actual computer museum located in Ontario, Canada. Their webpage has images of a lot of rare software packages.
Scott Adams' Homepage
By the father of home computer adventures himself! See what he's been up to lately, and score some free downloads.
Tolkien Computer Games Pages
Information about computer games set in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth, including some truly obscure releases. (Maintained by Fredrik Ekman.)
The Unofficial Legend Text Adventure Page
Info on the parser adventures released by Legend in the early 90s. (Maintained by Steven Marsh.)
Vintage Computer
Information on a variety of vintage computers.
Vintage Computer Festival
An annual expo for people with an interest in old computers.
Vintage Sierra
Great-looking museum of early Sierra On-Line games. (Maintained by Josh Lulewicz.)

Other Great Places to Shoppe

The 64 & More Store
Hardware and software for a variety of vintage systems. Their Amiga and Commodore stocks are the largest.
American Games Shop
Despite its title, this site is primarily in Italian, but with enough English for U.S. buyers to follow along.
B & C ComputerVisions
An excellent source for Atari hardware and software, both 8-bit and ST. (Maintained by Dave Souza and Bruce E. Carso.)
Bravo Sierra Computers
Specializing in Atari.
Computer Games Plus
A large selection of games for vintage computers, all new in the wrap!
Game Trading Zone
(Formerly Used Game Trading Zone) Great place to hook up with other collectors.
The Infocom Cornershop
A U.K.-based site with lots of Infocom games for sale. Great for European collectors! (Maintained by Dave Aston.)
Interdata Developments
They used to have Infocom Classic Text Adventure Masterpieces, but lately seem to have run out. Not sure if they're ever getting a new shipment in or not. (Maintained by Mike Leigh.)
They're liquidating a bunch of vintage hardware and software for rock-bottom prices, check it out!
Pix Z's Quest Chest
Classic and collectible computer games for sale, with negotiable prices, pics of featured items.
HUGE U.K.-based store with lots of vintage computer and console games.
Vintage computers, consoles, and software.
Sauron's Corner
Lots of old games for sale/trade, for many systems. (Maintained by Simone Di Conza.)
A German site offering 8-bit computers and software for sale.
Video 61 & Atari Sales
Not just Atari, but Commodore, Apple, PC and console games as well. (Maintained by Lance Ringquist.)

Other Sites of Interest

Everything that is wrong with eBay, and what you can do to fight back.
The Saga of the Failed License Transfer
Why you should never, ever, under any circumstances, purchase digital content.


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