The YOIS Privacy Policy
YOIS Privacy Policy:
- Ye Olde Infocomme Shoppe (YOIS) keeps basic contact information about registered users, for the purposes of easier communication with said users, keeping track of orders and trades, and minimizing the need for users to repeatedly enter said contact information. Registration is free, and information can be changed or removed at any time the user chooses.
- YOIS will not sell, give away, or otherwise share contact information with other commercial sites. Occasionally the YOIS administrator (C.E. Forman) may pass along your e-mail address to another software collector, solely for the purpose of placing you in touch with someone who has a specific item you are searching for, or vice-versa. YOIS also maintains a waiting list for users to enter items they are searching for. E-mail addresses on this list are public, visible to anyone visiting YOIS, unless the user opts to make them private and visible only to the YOIS administrator.
- Other than periodic informational e-mails to mailing list members, YOIS does not send out any unrequested promotional or marketing material (aka "spam"). The YOIS mailing list is completely opt-in (you must explicitly choose to sign yourself up), can be unsubscribed at any time, and is available even to non-registered YOIS users.
- When a registered user signs in, YOIS places a pair of "cookies" on the user's hard drive. These are small text strings containing basic user data, allowing access to the full range of YOIS services such as placing orders, opening trades, and use of the YOIS waiting list.
General browsing of the site is available to non-registered users. These cookies can be removed at any time by choosing "logout" from the main YOIS page. They are not used to monitor your activities in any way. (Refer to Cookie Central
for more information about cookies in general.)
- YOIS may record IP addresses of visitors to the site. In the event that a YOIS visitor engages in dishonest behavior that is detrimental to the software collecting community (including, but not limited to, selling counterfeit items or otherwise defrauding other collectors), YOIS reserves the right to use this information to track and monitor such users, and to pass along such information to other webmasters for the purpose of protecting collectors from fraud.
Copyright © 2000 - 2025 Ye Olde Infocomme Shoppe. All rights reserved.
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