by Alan Dean Foster
Trillium collaborated with sci-fi / fantasy author Alan Dean Foster on
Shadowkeep, starting the trend of publishing mass-market fiction
related to current computer games. (This was years before the
novelizations of Bard's Tale, Ultima and the Infocom
games.) It's not an adaption of an already-existing work, either:
Notice both the book and game
bear the Trillium logo on the cover. Considering what this investment
must have cost Trillium, you'd think they'd've tried to promote the
game more, reissuing it along with their pure adventure titles.
A side note: Trillium also had plans to recruit fantasy author Philip
Jose Farmer to do a novel and game based on his works. I've spoken to
Farmer in person (he's a local author here in Peoria), and apparently
they never told them about any of this. It's likely the project was
scrapped after Shadowkeep, and it's equally possible that Farmer
has simply forgotten about it (he's a pretty old dude). At any rate,
the game, titled The Grand Adventure, was never released.
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