The YOIS Vault

Last updated: 2017-01-02
What follows is, as of the date above, the complete contents of my own
personal software collection. Organization is alphabetical by company
(developer), then by title, then by package variation, with different
distributors noted in the individual item descriptions. Clicking on
links, when available, will bring up scans and package information for
my rare or more interesting items, or, in some cases, noteworthy package
variations. If there's something I haven't scanned that you'd like to
see a picture of, just ask!
Each entry in the list below indicates one item: Except for package
variations and, in some cases, shrinkwraps, I generally don't keep
duplicates, preferring to place extra copies in the Shoppe (and to
maintain some degree of unoccupied space in my apartment).
You are free to borrow any scans from these pages, so long as they are
used for reference only. That is, if you are setting up your personal
want-list, or a page with information about adventure games, and want
to include pictures of the packaging, great. (It'd be nice to get
credit for the images, though, and perhaps a link to the Shoppe.)
However, please do not use these scans to, for example, sell a rare
title on eBay. My package may differ from the one you have -- it may
have different amounts of wear in different places, shrinkwrap whereas
yours has none (or vice-versa), and so forth.
This list is provided solely to give other collectors an idea of what I
have and don't have, and to allow you to look at some rare packages you
otherwise might not have the chance to see (and, I admit, maybe to brag
just a little). Absolutely nothing listed on this page is for sale or
trade, under any circumstances. All requests pertaining to the sale or
trading of these items will be utterly ignored. If you're looking for a
particular item, try the waiting list.
And just in case you missed it in the FAQ,
no, I will not make copies of my disks for you. My
reason for this is as follows: If I charge you for
them, it's piracy (the copyright is still in print even though many of
the games themselves are not). If I don't, then it's not worth the time
and effort on my part. Please don't mail me asking for copies; I only
deal in originals.
Abstract Concepts
- Altered Destiny
- One-piece box (Slash distribution), shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Two-piece box, signed by Michael Berlyn, IBM PC.
- Clue book.
Law of the West
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Folder package, Commodore 64/128.
Les Manley In: Search for the King
- One-piece box (Slash distribution), signed by Steve Cartwright, IBM PC.
- Two-piece box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Clue book.
- Acheton
- Plastic tray with black outer cardboard folder, BBC Micro.
Castle of Riddles
- Plastic tray with black outer cardboard folder, BBC Micro.
Countdown to Doom
- Plastic tray with black outer cardboard folder, BBC Micro.
- Hint booklet in sealed envelope, BBC Micro version.
Gateway to Karos
- Plastic tray with black outer cardboard folder, BBC Micro.
Kingdom of Hamil
- Plastic tray with black outer cardboard folder, BBC Micro.
- Hint booklet, BBC Micro version.
Philosopher's Quest
- Plastic tray with black outer cardboard folder, BBC Micro.
- Hint booklet, BBC Micro version.
Sphinx Adventure
- Box with blue and black grid design, Acorn.
- Plastic tray with black outer cardboard folder, BBC Micro.
- Hint booklet in sealed envelope, BBC Micro version.
- Hint booklet, Acorn Electron version.
Spooky Manor
- Acornsoft Home Education packaging, BBC Micro.
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Amstrad.
- Activision Game Vault, Volume 3, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Activision's Commodore 64 15-Pack, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, Macintosh.
Adventure International
- Adventureland (Adventure #1)
- AI rainbow-striped box, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI S.A.G.A. plastic clamshell case, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI S.A.G.A. styrofoam folder, shrinkwrapped (wrap torn on side), Apple II.
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, TRS-80.
- Commodore VIC-20 U.S. packaging.
- Small black plastic case with inlay (Adventure International U.K.), graphical version, Spectrum.
- Small black plastic case with inlay (Adventure International U.K.), non-graphical version, Spectrum.
- Texas Instruments windowed box with plain orange (cassette) cover inlay, TI-99/4A.
- Thunder Mountain plastic package, unopened, Commodore 64/128.
Adventureland Demo (Adventure #0, "Special Sampler")
- AI styrofoam folder with glued-on cover, white AI logo on spine, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
Book of Hints (covers Adventures #1 - #12)
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art.
(The Adventures of) Buckaroo Banzai (Across the 8th Dimension)
Cartridge Triple Pack (Strange Odyssey, Mission Impossible ["Atomic Mission"], Pirate Adventure)
The Count (Adventure #5)
- AI plastic bag, unopened, cassette version, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI styrofoam folder with glued-on cover, early cover art, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, shrinkwrapped, TRS-80.
- Commodore VIC-20 U.S. packaging, shrinkwrapped.
- S.A.G.A. plastic clamshell case, Atari 8-Bit.
- Texas Instruments windowed box with plain orange (cassette) cover inlay, TI-99/4A.
(The Curse of) Crowley Manor (Other-Venture #2)
Death Planet: The Dog Star Adventure (Other-Venture #5)
Double Feature: Spook House & Toxic Dumpsite
- AI styrofoam folder, TRS-80.
Earthquake San Francisco 1906 (Other-Venture #4)
Escape from Traam (Other-Venture #3)
Games Mega-Pack
- Large box compilation by Remlig/Starsoft, contains Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle, Hulk, Spider-Man, Human Torch and Thing, Buckaroo Banzai, and some non-adventure titles, IBM PC.
Ghost Town (Adventure #9)
- AI styrofoam folder, early cover art, TRS-80.
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, shrinkwrapped, TRS-80.
- Texas Instruments windowed box with plain orange (cassette) cover inlay, TI-99/4A.
Golden Voyage (Adventure #12)
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, TRS-80.
- Texas Instruments windowed box with plain orange (cassette) cover inlay, TI-99/4A.
- Small black plastic case with inlay (Adventure International U.K.), Commodore 64/128.
The Hulk (QuestProbe #1)
- AI rainbow-striped box, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
- Americana release, cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Clear plastic disk case with inlay, IBM PC.
- Commodore 64/+4 brown box.
- Load 'n' Go larger plastic package, unopened, Atari 8-Bit.
- Load 'n' Go larger plastic package, unopened, Commodore 64/128.
- Load 'n' Go larger plastic package, upside-down, unopened, IBM PC.
- Load 'n' Go smaller plastic package, unopened, Apple II.
- Marvel comic book.
Human Torch and Thing (Fantastic Four) (QuestProbe #3)
- All American Adventures hard plastic folder, Commodore 64/128.
- All American Adventures loose disk and black-and-white instruction sheet, Atari ST.
- Load 'n' Go larger plastic package, unopened, Commodore 64/128.
- Load 'n' Go smaller plastic package, unopened, Apple II.
- Plastic package with black-and-white manual, unopened, system unknown.
- Marvel comic book.
Interactive Fiction: His Majesty's Ship "Impetuous"
- AI styrofoam folder with glued-on cover (also includes Two Heads of the Coin, Local Call for Death, Encounter in the Park, Dragons of Hong Kong), TRS-80.
Kingdom of Myrrh
- AI rainbow-striped box, Apple II.
Labyrinth of Crete
Mission Impossible (Adventure #3)
- AI S.A.G.A. plastic clamshell case, shrinkwrapped, "Secret Mission" sticker over the original title on front and spine, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI S.A.G.A. plastic clamshell case, unopened, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI S.A.G.A. styrofoam folder, shrinkwrapped (wrap torn on side), Apple II.
- AI styrofoam folder with glued-on cover, early cover art, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
- Commodore European box ("Atomic Mission"), Commodore 16/64.
- Commodore U.S. box ("Atomic Mission"), Commodore 16/+4.
- Commodore VIC-20 U.S. packaging ("Mission Impossible Adventure").
- Small black plastic case with inlay (Secret Mission) (Adventure International U.K.), Commodore 64/128.
- Texas Instruments windowed box with artwork cover inlay, TI-99/4A.
Mystery Fun House (Adventure #7)
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, TRS-80.
- Texas Instruments windowed box with plain orange (cassette) cover inlay, TI-99/4A.
The Official Scott Adams Adventure Hint Book
- Black-and-white artwork cover, 38 pages, covers #1 - #14, Hulk.
- Black-and-white artwork cover, 46 pages, covers #1 - #14, Hulk, Buckaroo Banzai, Spider-Man.
- Black-and-white striped cover, 36 pages, covers #1 - 14.
- Rainbow-striped cover, 36 pages, covers #1 - 14.
Pirate Adventure (Adventure #2)
- AI S.A.G.A. plastic clamshell case, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI styrofoam folder, early cover art, TRS-80.
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, Atari 8-Bit.
- Commodore European box, Commodore 16/64.
- Commodore U.S. box, Commodore 16/64.
- Commodore VIC-20 U.S. packaging ("Pirate Cove"), shrinkwrapped.
- Small black plastic case with inlay (Adventure International U.K.), Spectrum.
- Texas Instruments red plastic package (packaged with Adventure Command Module), unopened, TI-99/4A.
- Texas Instruments windowed box, inlay with art (packaged with Adventure Command Module), TI-99/4A.
- Texas Instruments windowed box, plain inlay (packaged with Adventure Command Module), unopened, TI-99/4A.
Pyramid of Doom (Adventure #8)
- AI plastic bag, unopened, cassette version, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI styrofoam folder, early cover art, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, shrinkwrapped, TRS-80.
- Texas Instruments windowed box with plain orange (cassette) cover inlay, TI-99/4A.
Rebel Planet (Fighting Fantasy #2)
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, BBC Micro.
Return to Pirate's Isle (Adventure #14)
Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhiannon
- Small black plastic case (Adventure International U.K.), writing on tape label, Spectrum.
Saigon: The Final Days
- Plastic clamshell case, Atari/TRS-80.
Savage Island Series (Savage Island Parts 1 and 2 together)
- Texas Instruments windowed box with plain orange (cassette) cover inlay, TI-99/4A.
Savage Island, Part 1 (Adventure #10)
- AI styrofoam folder with glued-on cover, early cover art, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, TRS-80.
- Tynesoft release, MK-II plastic case with inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Savage Island, Part 2 (Adventure #11)
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, shrinkwrapped, TRS-80.
- Tynesoft release, MK-II plastic case with inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Scott Adams Adventure Series (Adventures #1 - #12 plus hint book)
- AI large styrofoam folder, CP/M.
- AI plastic bag, unopened, disk version, Commodore 64/128.
- Loose disk and manual, also includes Knight Ironheart Adventure, TI-99/4A.
- StarSoft yellow box, IBM PC / Commodore / Apple / Atari.
- TDC Distributors plastic bag, unopened, Atari 8-Bit.
- Tex-Comp "Spidey Special" release (also includes Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle, Return to Pirate's Isle, Buckaroo Banzai, Hulk, Spider-Man, June Lake) in plain yellow envelope, cassette version, sealed, TI-99/4A.
- Tex-Comp release (also includes Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle) in plain yellow envelope, cassette version, sealed, TI-99/4A.
Scott Adams Adventure Series Limited Gold Edition
Scott Adams Graphics Editor (S.A.G.E.)
- Cassette with Xeroxed instructions in large Ziploc bag, Atari 8-Bit.
Scott Adams Scoops (Pirate Adventure, Voodoo Castle, Strange Odyssey, Buckaroo Banzai)
- Master Games / U.S. Gold repackaging, cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Commodore 16/+4.
- Master Games / U.S. Gold repackaging, cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Seas of Blood (Fighting Fantasy #1)
- Small black plastic case (Adventure International U.K.), writing on tape label, Spectrum.
Six Micro Stories (Interactive Fiction)
The Sledge of Rahmul & Merlin's Treasure (2 program package)
Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle (Adventure #13)
Spider-Man (QuestProbe #2)
- Disk and red manual in plastic bag, Apple II.
- Load 'n' Go larger plastic package, unopened, Atari 8-Bit.
- Load 'n' Go larger plastic package, unopened, Commodore 64/128.
- Load 'n' Go smaller cut-open plastic package, unopened, Commodore 64/128.
- Load 'n' Go smaller pull-open plastic package, system unknown.
- Rainbow-striped box (Adventure International U.K.), Commodore 16/+4.
- Marvel comic book.
- Marvel mini-comic.
Strange Odyssey (Adventure #6)
- AI S.A.G.A. plastic clamshell case, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI styrofoam folder, early cover art, Atari 8-Bit.
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, shrinkwrapped, TRS-80.
- Commodore European box, Commodore 16/64.
- Commodore U.S. box, Commodore 16/64.
- Texas Instruments windowed box with plain brown (disk) cover inlay, TI-99/4A.
Treasure Quest
- AI styrofoam folder, shrinkwrapped, TRS-80.
Value Pack #1 (Adventures #1 - #3)
- AI styrofoam folder, early cover art, blue lettering on back, Atari 8-Bit / TRS-80, Atari 8-Bit.
Value Pack #2 (Adventures #4 - #6)
- AI styrofoam folder, early cover art, black lettering on back, Apple II / TRS-80.
- AI styrofoam folder, early cover art, blue lettering on back, Apple II / TRS-80.
Value Pack #3 (Adventures #7 - #9)
- AI styrofoam folder, early cover art, black lettering on back, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit / TRS-80.
Value Pack #4 (Adventures #10 - #12)
- AI styrofoam folder, later cover art, blue lettering on back, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit / TRS-80.
Voodoo Castle (Adventure #4)
X-Men (QuestProbe #4)
Adventure Soft U.K.
- Kayleth
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay (U.S. Gold), BBC Micro.
Aegis Developments
ALA Software
- Aztec Tomb Adventure
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Small black plastic case, Commodore 64/128.
Alternative Software
- Life-Term
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Star Wreck
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Amstrad.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
American Eagle Software, Inc.
- The Elysian Fields (And Other Greek Myths)
American Software Design & Distribution Co.
- 007: Aquabase
- Disk and manual in plastic bag, unopened, TI-99/4A.
Fun House
- Disk and manual in plastic bag, unopened, TI-99/4A.
Haunted House
- Disk and manual, TI-99/4A.
In Search Of: The Four Vedas
- Disk and manual in plastic bag, unopened.
Miner 49'er
- Disk and manual, TI-99/4A.
Stone Age
- Disk and manual in plastic bag, unopened, TI-99/4A.
Angelsoft / Mindscape
- Forbidden Castle
- Folder, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Thunder Mountain plastic package, unopened, Macintosh.
Goldfinger: James Bond 007
- Folder, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Folder, signed by Raymond Benson, IBM PC.
High Stakes: Dick Francis
- Folder, shrinkwrapped, Apple / IBM PC.
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients
- Folder, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
The Mist (Stephen King's)
Rambo: First Blood Part II
- Folder, red title, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Folder, white title, shrinkwrapped, Macintosh.
A View to a Kill: James Bond 007
- Folder, signed by Raymond Benson, plastic sleeve unopened, Apple II.
- Thunder Mountain plastic package, unopened, IBM PC.
Voodoo Island
Apple Computer, Inc.
- Apple Adventure (Crowther/Woods clone)
Argus Press
- Grange Hill
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Amstrad.
- Lapis Philosophorum
- Large white plastic clamshell folder with black inlay, German language, Commodore 64/128.
- Square black plastic case, Atari 8-Bit.
Artic Computing
- Espionage Island (Adventure D)
- Cassette with case / inlay (blue-border Artic) / tip sheet, Spectrum.
- Cassette with case and Sinclair inlay, Spectrum.
Ground Zero
- Cassette with case and blue-border Artic inlay, Spectrum.
Inca Curse (Adventure B)
- Cassette with case and Sinclair inlay, Spectrum.
Planet of Death (Adventure A)
- Cassette with case and magenta-border Artic inlay, ZX81.
- Cassette with case and Sinclair inlay, Spectrum.
Ship of Doom (Adventure C)
- Cassette in case with inlay ("Alien Spaceship Adventure"), ZX81.
- Cassette with case and early blue paper inlay (Alien Spaceship Adventure), Spectrum.
- Cassette with case and Sinclair inlay, Spectrum.
Artificial Intelligence Research Group
- Eliza
- Disk and manual, order form cut off, Commodore 64/128.
Asgard Software
- Castle Darkholm
- Disk and manual in plastic sleeve, unopened, TI-99/4A.
Oliver's Twist
- Disk and instruction folder, TI-99/4A.
Rattlesnake Bend
- Loose instruction folder, TI-99/4A.
Witch's Brew
- Disk and instruction folder, TI-99/4A.
Zoom Flume (Fun at the Water Park)
- Disk and instruction folder in cut-open plastic sleeve, TI-99/4A.
- Schloss des Grauens
- German, large plastic clamshell case, Atari 8-Bit.
Atari Program Exchange
- Sleazy Adventure
- Disk and 8.5" x 11" manual, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
- Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists 'n' Everythin'
- Cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Amstrad.
- Cassette in thin medium clear case with inlay, Atari ST.
Return to Ithaca
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Attic / Dragonware
- Ariolasoft plastic case, German version, Atari ST.
- Dragonware box, English version (Creepy Nites), Amiga.
Automata U.K.
- Pimania
- Cassette with case and inlay.
Avalon Hill
GFS Sorceress
Lords of Karma
- Cassette package TRS-80 / Apple / Commodore PET.
- Disk package, Apple II.
Avant-Garde Creations
- Race for Midnight
- Disk and instruction folder, Apple II.
(Brigitte & Günter Möhle's) Atlantis
Cromwell House
Deja Vu: Eine Phantastiche Geschichte
- Shrinkwrapped, system unknown.
Mord an Bord
Aztech New Media
- Adventure Shareware Games
- CD and jewel case, IBM PC.
Bantam Imagic
- Choose Your Own Adventure: The Cave of Time
I, Damiano
Sherlock Holmes in "Another Bow"
BCI Software
- Hydrax
- Gameware repackaging (with a non-IF game, Task Force), shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- The Castle
- Cassette with case and inlay, Oric-1.
Twin Kingdom Valley
- Cassette with case and inlay (warrior artwork), Commodore 16/+4.
- Cassette with case and inlay (wizard / dragon / spiral staircase artwork), Spectrum.
- U.S. repackaging by Gameware / Tri-Micro (with a non-IF game, Corom), Commodore 64/128.
- Rigel's Revenge
- Cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Amstrad.
- Black Crystal
- Box package, black, ZX81.
- Box package, blue, Spectrum.
- Medium black plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
Wrath of Magra
Cascade Mountain Publishing
- Once and Future
- Game package, unopened, runs on most systems.
- Hint book.
- Map book.
CBS Software
- Adventure Master
- Plastic case, sealed, system unknown.
CE Software
- SwordThrust 1: The Kings Testing Ground (Master Diskette)
- Disk and folder in plastic bag, signed by Donald Brown, Apple II.
SwordThrust 2: The Vampyre Caves
- Disk and folder in plastic bag, signed by Donald Brown, Apple II.
SwordThrust 3: The Kidnappers Cove
SwordThrust 4: The Case of the Sultan's Pearl
- Disk and folder in plastic bag, signed by Donald Brown, Apple II.
SwordThrust 5: The Green Plague
- Disk and folder in plastic bag, signed by Donald Brown, Apple II.
SwordThrust 6: The Eternal Curse
- Disk and folder in plastic bag, signed by Donald Brown, Apple II.
SwordThrust 7: The Hall of Alchemie
- Disk and folder in plastic bag, signed by Donald Brown, Apple II.
Central Solutions Ltd.
- 10 Adventure Game Pack (Pirate's Gold, Orbit of Doom, The Prospector, Theatre of Death The Rings of Merlin, The Keeper, Trail, Giant's Adventure, Goldseeker and The Ring of Dreams)
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
Chameleon Software
- Morton's Fork (Maces & Magic #3)
- Loose Adventure International styrofoam folder cover, Apple II system sticker.
Stone of Sisyphus (Maces & Magic #2)
Choice Software
- Panoplia: The Full Armor of God
- Adventure Writer
- Plastic case, Commodore 64/128.
Casebook of Hemlock Soames (Part 1 and Part 2)
- Cardboard box, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
The Day Before (Part 1 and Part 2)
- Cardboard box, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
The Fortress Series (Fortress of Almuth and The Eyes of Medusa)
- Cardboard box, dot-matrix title, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- Cardboard box, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
The Thriller Series
- Cardboard box, Commodore 64/128.
- 2010: The Text Adventure Game
Compass Software
- Demon from the Darkside (with The Golden Mask, Project X: The Microman, The)
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions, Commodore 64/128.
Devil's Hand
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Intruder Alert
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions, Commodore 16/+4.
Creative Sparks
- Tower of Evil
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Book of the Dead
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
- Cassette in MK-II plastic case with inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
Genesis: The Complete Adventure Creation System
- Cassette in medium black plastic case with inlay, Amstrad.
Loads of Midnight
- Disk in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
Murder off Miami
- Hard plastic folder, Commodore 64/128.
Rod Pike's Horror Compilation
- Large black plastic case, Amstrad.
Tau Ceti
- Thunder Mountain box, IBM PC.
Terror Trilogy
- Loose disk and instructions, Commodore 64/128.
Very Big Cave Adventure
- Cassette in MK-II plastic case with inlay, Amstrad.
- Flat clear plastic case, Commodore 64/128.
- Last Half of Darkness
- Disk pouch, unopened, IBM PC.
- The Realm
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Dark Lord
- Shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
The Neverending Story
Sands of Egypt
- Shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
Delta 4
- The Big Sleaze
- MK-II plastic case, Amstrad.
The Boggit
- Cassette in MK-II plastic case with inlay (both CRL and Delta 4), Commodore 64/128.
Bored of the Rings
- Small black plastic case, Spectrum.
The Colour of Magic
- Alternative Software release, cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
- MK-II plastic case, Amstrad.
Digital Concepts
Digital Village
- Starship Titanic
- First Class Cruise Kit, sealed, IBM PC / Mac CD-ROM (Dual).
- DVD-ROM version, IBM PC.
- Open-flap box, IBM PC.
- Regular box, IBM PC.
- Regular box, unopened, Macintosh.
Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less
- Runes of Zendos
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Double Play Adventures
- Alter Earth and Earth Bound (#12)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Commando and Operation Turtle (#11)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
The Hexagonal Museum and A Tangled Tale (#7)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Hidden City and The Sealed City (#1)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
The Moreby Jewels and To the Manor Bourne (#6)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Murder Hunt and Last Will and Testament (#10)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Orc Island and The Swamp (#9)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Rifts of Time and The Traveller (#2)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Time Quest and Crystal Quest (#3)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Urquahart Castle and The Golden Rose (#4)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
The Wizards Scrolls and Dragon Slayer (#8)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Dragon Data LTD
Madness and the Minotaur
Dream Software
- Pub Quest
- Black cardboard box, Commodore 64/128.
The Quest for the Holy Grail
- Black cardboard box, Spectrum.
Dynamic Software Design
- Wombats I: Gazumba the Great and the Wombats of Borozoa
- The Dare
- Large black plastic wallet package, Commodore 64/128.
Edu-Ware / Interactive Fantasies
- Empire I: World Builders
- Interactive Fantasies disk, loose, Apple II.
- Peachtree package, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
Empire II: Interstellar Sharks
- Interactive Fantasies box, Apple II.
Empire III: Armageddon
- Peachtree package, Apple II.
The Prisoner
Prisoner 2
Electric Transit
- Wilderness (A Survival Adventure)
Electronic Arts
Mars Saga
(Timothy Leary's) Mind Mirror
- Shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
Ellicott Creek Software
- Sherlock Holmes: The Vatican Cameos
- Robots of Dawn
- Early release (6 separate pages for fingerprint files), Commodore 64/128.
- Later release (fingerprint files on 2 pages), Commodore 64/128.
Fantastic Software
- Forbidden City
- Hard plastic folder, shrinkwrapped, TRS-80.
Forbidden Planet
- Imagination
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Seabase Delta
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
First Row Software
- Dr. DuMont's Wild P.A.R.T.I.
Twilight Zone
Firstline Software
- Beginner's Cave
- Load 'n' Go larger plastic package, unopened, Apple II.
Five Star Software
Free Spirit Software
Last Inca
- Small box, shrinkwrapped, Amiga.
Planet of Lust
Sex Olympics
Sex Vixens from Space
FSF Adventures
- Grue-Knapped!
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Spectre of Castle Coris
- Cassette with case / inlay instructions / hint sheet, Spectrum.
Gargoyle Games
- Heavy on the Magick
- MK-II plastic case, Spectrum.
- Africa Gardens
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
The Curse
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Devil's Island
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
The Illustrator
- Large black plastic case, Spectrum.
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions, Spectrum.
The Quill
- Large black plastic case, Spectrum.
- Loose manual, fits large black plastic case, Amstrad.
Global Software
- Fourmost Adventures (Out of the Shadows, Galaxias, Microman, The Mural)
- Small black plastic case, Spectrum.
- The Greedy Dwarf
- Medium black plastic case, Acorn Electron.
Gray Design Associates
- Hugo's House of Horrors
- Goodtimes Software blue compilation box with Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter and Cyberwars, IBM PC.
- Paperboard disk pouch, unopened, IBM PC.
- Shareware Testing Laboratories plastic package, cut open, IBM PC.
- Small plastic package, IBM PC.
(Hugo III) Jungle of Doom
- Paperboard disk pouch, unopened, IBM PC.
- Small plastic package, IBM PC.
- Small square box, blue/green, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Small square box, red/brown, IBM PC.
(Hugo's) Whodunit? (Hugo II)
- Paperboard disk pouch, unopened, IBM PC.
- Small plastic package, IBM PC.
Green Valley Publishing
- Adventure Master (Medieval Adventure / Stonewall Manor)
- Load 'n' Go larger plastic package, unopened, Commodore 64/128.
- One-Step Software larger plastic package, unopened, Commodore 64/128.
Hayden Software
- Computer Novel Construction Set
Crime Stopper
Crystal Caverns
Holy Grail
Hewson Consultants
- Fantasia Diamond
- Small black plastic case, Amstrad.
- Small black plastic case (different inlay art), Spectrum.
Quest Adventure
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
High Energy Software
- Deep Space Drifter
- Instruction manual / hint book.
Perdition's Flames
- Printed materials: Manual / hint book (signed by Michael Roberts), map, reference card,.
TADS (Text Adventure Development System)
- 1.0 Manual, signed by Michael Roberts.
- 1.2 Release Notes, signed by Michael Roberts.
- 2.2 Upgrade Manual, signed by Michael Roberts.
Highland(s) Computer Services
- Creature Venture
- Softsmith release, loose disk and manual, Apple II.
- A Personal Nightmare
- Box Office U.S. release, IBM PC.
- Red plastic case with inlay, English version, Amiga.
- Red plastic case with inlay, German version, Atari ST.
- The Fourth Protocol
- Bantam Software package, Commodore 64/128.
- European release, Commodore 64/128.
- Small Firebird box, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
ICOM Simulations
- Deja Vu (A Nightmare Comes True)
- Nintendo NES.
- Box package, Apple IIGS.
- Folder, no Alert logo (later release), IBM PC.
- Folder, with Alert logo (first release), Macintosh.
Deja Vu I and II
- Large slipcover re-release package, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, Nintendo GameBoy Color.
- Small white box re-release, Macintosh.
Deja Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas
- Box with white plastic face, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
ICOM Collector's Edition
- Nintendo NES.
- Box package, IBM PC.
- Folder package, shrinkwrapped, Atari ST.
- Large slipcover re-release package, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, Nintendo GameBoy Color ("Shadowgate Classic"), Nintendo GameBoy Color.
- Small white box re-release package, IBM PC.
- Hint book.
- NES hint book.
- Box package, shrinkwrwapped, Commodore 64/128.
- Folder package, IBM PC.
- Large slipcover re-release package, Macintosh.
- Large two-piece re-release package, IBM PC.
- Hint pages.
IJK Software
- Fantasy Quest
- Small black plastic case with inlay, Oric-1.
Incentive Software Ltd.
- The Final Mission
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions, Spectrum.
Graphic Adventure Creator
- Cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
- Large black wallet package, ISL inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Large black wallet package, ISL inlay, Spectrum.
- Large black wallet package, PG inlay, Spectrum.
Ket Trilogy
- Small black plastic case with inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Mountains of Ket
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions, Spectrum.
Nova and Haunted House
- Double Gold series, medium clear plastic case with inlay, Amstrad.
S.T.A.C. (ST Adventure Creator)
Temple of Vran
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions, Spectrum.
- Adventure Collection
- Shrinkwrapped, thicker box, IBM PC / Mac CD-ROM (Dual).
- Shrinkwrapped, thinner box, IBM PC / Mac CD-ROM (Dual).
Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur
- Opened, signed by Bob Bates, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Printer's proof of package.
- Sale sheet, two-sided.
- Asgard Software release (white manual in plastic sleeve), TI-99/4A.
- Opened, Atari 8-Bit.
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- SoftSel European distribution (grey box with sticker), Atari 8-Bit.
- InvisiClues and map, sealed blister pack.
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception
- Includes Ral Partha miniature order form and limited edition pin, Amiga.
- Prism Leisure "PC Hits" budget re-release, Amiga.
- Shrinkwrapped, Amiga.
- Soft-World Taiwanese release, IBM PC.
- Ral Partha Phoenix Hawk LAM figure, FASA and Jeux Descartes addresses on rear.
- Ral Partha Phoenix Hawk LAM figure, FASA and Ral Partha addresses on rear.
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Revenge
- German version, slipcased box, IBM PC.
- Signed by designer Tony Van, IBM PC.
Beyond Zork
- Opened, signed by Brian Moriarty, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- InvisiClues (with Plundered Hearts) and map, loose.
- Printer's proof of package.
- Promotional mini-flashlight.
- Sale sheet, one-sided.
- Sale sheet, two-sided.
Border Zone
- Opened, signed by Marc Blank, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Sale sheet, two-sided.
- Loose disk with odd label, IBM PC.
- Opened, Apple II.
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Dealer promo kit, unopened.
- Press release draft.
- Printer's proof of Better Beezer credit card application.
Circuit's Edge
- Opened, manual signed by George Alec Effinger, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
Classic Mystery Library
Classic Text Adventure Masterpieces
- Blue "Essentials" European box, IBM PC / Mac CD-ROM (Dual).
- MacPack Sneak Attack shovelware compilation, shrinkwrapped, Macintosh.
- White (U.S.) box, IBM PC / Mac CD-ROM (Dual).
Comedy Collection
- Shrinkwrapped, IBM PC / Mac CD-ROM (Dual).
- Blue plastic case with slipcover, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Blue plastic case, with small manuals, IBM PC.
- Budget release with no outer package, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Demo packet, in sealed paperboard envelope, IBM PC.
- Large manual version, no outer case (has manual, disks, quick reference card, keypad overlay), IBM PC.
- Sealed cardboard carton, IBM PC.
- "Selling Cornerstone" brochure.
- Dealer offer ($100 rebate on 3-pack).
- Preview announcement flyer ("From the company whose first software product outsold Lotus 1-2-3").
- Sale sheet, one-sided, B&W two- and three-column ads.
- Opened, signed by Michael Berlyn, Apple II.
- Shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- Loose note from "message in a bottle" dealer promo.
- Commodore large folder package.
- Commodore plastic case.
- Commodore small folder package, horizontal catalog number, shrinkwrapped.
- Digital repackaging, DEC Rainbow.
- Dysan release, IBM PC.
- Folio package, first release (partial folder, mentions Zork I and II), shrinkwrapped, NEC APC.
- Folio package, second release (mentions Zork trilogy, Starcross), shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Folio package, third release (mentions Zork, Witness, Starcross, Suspended, Planetfall, Enchanter, Infidel), shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Grey box, opened, signed by Marc Blank, IBM PC.
- Grey box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Mastertronic package (#10), shrinkwrapped, Atari ST.
- InvisiClues and map, sealed blister pack.
- InvisiClues and unfolded map, Zork Users Group.
- InvisiClues map supplement, Zork Users Group.
- Dysan release, IBM PC.
- Folio package, shrinkwrapped, DEC RT-11.
- Folio package, signed by Marc Blank, Apple II.
- Grey box, opened, Atari 8-Bit.
- Grey box, shrinkwrapped, Atari ST.
- Japanese graphic adventure, PC-9800.
- Mastertronic package (#8), small tape rip on one edge, IBM PC.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
Enchanter Trilogy
Fantasy Collection
- Shrinkwrapped, thicker box, IBM PC / Mac CD-ROM (Dual).
- Shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
- Signed by Michael Berlyn, IBM PC.
- Fold-out consumer brochure.
Four-in-One Infocom Sampler
- First release, Wheeler Street address, sealed blister pack, IBM PC.
- Later release, red "Free with Coupon!" and CambridgePark address, sealed blister pack, Atari 8-Bit.
Gamma Force: Pit of a Thousand Screams
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Grey box, opened, Commodore 64/128.
- Grey box, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Loose disk, evaluation copy with dot-matrix label, Apple II.
- Mastertronic package (#1), Amiga.
- Solid Gold package, Apple II.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- Press kit, in large grey folder with logo sticker.
Hollywood Hijinx
- Asgard Software release (white manual in plastic sleeve), TI-99/4A.
- Opened, signed by "Hollywood" Dave Anderson, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, with promotional sticker, IBM PC.
- InvisiClues (with Bureaucracy), sealed blister pack.
- Dealer promo kit, unopened.
- Printer's proof of manual.
- Sale sheet, one-sided, B&W ad image and copy.
- Sale sheet, one-sided, B&W two- and three-column ads.
- Dysan release, IBM PC.
- Folio package, shrinkwrapped, Osborne.
- Folio package, signed by Michael Berlyn, Commodore 64/128.
- Grey box, opened, signed by Michael Berlyn, Atari ST.
- Grey box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
Infocom Collection
- Opened, signed by Marc Blank, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
Lane Mastodon versus the Blubbermen
- Shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
Leather Goddesses of Phobos
- Asgard Software release (white manual in plastic sleeve), TI-99/4A.
- Grey box, opened, Apple II.
- Grey box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Mastertronic (Tronix) package (#5), Amiga.
- Solid Gold package, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- InvisiClues and map, loose.
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2: Gas Pump Girls Meet the Pulsating Inconvenience from Planet X
Legends of Zork
- Contest card.
- GameStop employee badge.
- GameStop employee launch kit.
- Promotional lanyard.
The Lost Treasures of Infocom
- Shrinkwrapped, IBM PC / Mac CD-ROM (Dual).
The Lost Treasures of Infocom II
- Shrinkwrapped, IBM PC / Mac CD-ROM (Dual).
Lurking Horror
- Opened, Commodore 64/128.
- InvisiClues (with Stationfall) and map, loose.
- Printer's proof of G.U.E. Tech booklet.
- Sale sheet, one-sided.
- Sale sheet, two-sided.
Micro/Answer for Cornerstone
A Mind Forever Voyaging
- Opened, Atari ST.
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- Dealer promo ("USNA Today" newspaper).
Mines of Titan
Mystery Collection
Non-Game Items
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It
- Opened, Apple II.
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Printer's proof of Kevin Pope cartoon booklet.
- Sale sheet, one-sided.
- Sale sheet, two-sided.
- Dysan release, IBM PC.
- Folio package, early version, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Folio package, later version, Atari 8-Bit.
- Grey box, opened, Amiga.
- Japanese version, NEC PC-98.
- Mastertronic package (#3), Amiga.
- Solid Gold package, IBM PC.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack, solid black backboard.
Plundered Hearts
- Opened, signed by Amy Briggs, Commodore 64/128.
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- InvisiClues (with Beyond Zork) and map, loose.
- Printer's proof of package.
- Sale sheet, two-sided.
PowerHits: BattleTech
- Large two-piece box, IBM PC.
PowerHits: Sci-Fi
- Large two-piece box, IBM PC.
- Small one-piece box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
Quarterstaff: The Tomb of Setmoth
- Japanese version, NEC PC-98.
- Opened, signed by Amy Briggs, Macintosh.
- Shrinkwrapped, Macintosh.
Return to Zork
- Blue "Essentials" European box, IBM PC.
- Japanese version, FM Towns.
- Japanese version, Macintosh.
- Japanese version, NEC PC-FX.
- Japanese version, PC-9800.
- Japanese version, Sega Saturn.
- Japanese version, Sony PlayStation.
- Large one-piece box, shrinkwrapped, Macintosh.
- One-piece Activision Classics box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Stand-alone CD and jewel case (sold without box), IBM PC.
- Two-piece box, IBM PC.
- Clue book.
- Encyclopedia Frobozzica, signed by Nino Ruffini.
- Japanese magazine / walkthrough.
- Sale sheet, Japanese PC-FX release.
- Sale sheet, Japanese PlayStation release.
Sample the Works of the Master Storytellers
Sci-Fi Collection
- IBM PC / Mac CD-ROM (Dual).
Science Fiction Classics
- Folio package, Atari 8-Bit.
- Opened, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, Atari ST.
- InvisiClues, black blister card with yellow plastic, unopened.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- Dealer promo.
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels
- Opened, signed by Bob Bates, IBM PC.
- Original photo for back of package, with photographer's notations.
- Promotional kit.
- Sale sheet, one-sided.
- Sale sheet, two-sided.
- Opened, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- "Soul of the Samurai" original mockup.
- Printer's proof of "Soul of the Samurai".
Simon the Sorcerer
Solid Gold Triple Pack 1
- Folio package, Atari 8-Bit.
- Folio package, shrinkwrapped, Osborne.
- Grey box, opened, Amiga.
- Mastertronic package (#9), Amiga.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack, solid black backboard.
- Dealer promo.
- Asgard Software release (white manual in plastic sleeve), TI-99/4A.
- Opened, cards shrinkwrapped, Amiga.
- Shrinkwrapped, Amiga.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- Launch party invitation.
- Commodore large folder package.
- Commodore small folder package, horizontal catalog number, shrinkwrapped.
- Dysan release, IBM PC.
- Folio (saucer) package, Atari 8-Bit.
- Grey box, opened, IBM PC.
- Grey box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- InvisiClues, Zork Users Group.
- Opened, no disk or system label.
- Shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- InvisiClues (with Lurking Horror) and map, loose.
- Press release with letter from Floyd.
- Sale sheet, two-sided.
- Opened, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/Plus4.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- Press kit, in large grey folder with logo sticker.
- Commodore inlay from plastic case, with disk and manual (no outer plastic bag), Commodore 64/128.
- Commodore large folder package.
- Commodore plastic case, shrinkwrapped.
- Commodore small folder package, slightly misaligned, text above face picture, shrinkwrapped.
- Commodore small folder package, text above face picture, shrinkwrapped.
- Commodore small folder package, text below face picture, shrinkwrapped.
- Commodore small generic "Software" folder package, with window for game title, shrinkwrapped.
- Dysan release, IBM PC.
- Folio (face mask) package, Apple II.
- Folio (face mask) package, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Grey box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Grey box, signed by Michael Berlyn, IBM PC.
- Loose 8" disk, CP/M.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
Tombs and Treasure
- Opened, signed by Brian Moriarty, Apple II.
- Shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- InvisiClues, opened but unused, with blister pack.
- Asgard Software release (white manual in plastic sleeve), TI-99/4A.
- Grey box, does not mention stone, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Grey box, mentions stone, opened, signed by Brian Moriarty, Commodore 64/128.
- Grey box, mentions stone, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Mastertronic package (#4), Amiga.
- Solid Gold package, Apple II.
- InvisiClues and map, sealed blister pack.
- "Wishbringer promotion" internal document.
- Launch party invitation and museum map.
- Press release.
- Set of cards from nut can dealer promo kit.
The Witness
- Digital repackaging, DecMate II.
- Dysan release, IBM PC.
- Folio package, first release (mentions Zork trilogy, Deadline, Starcross, Suspended), shrinkwrapped, TRS-80.
- Folio package, second release (mentions Deadline, Zork trilogy, Enchanter, Starcross, Suspended, Planetfall, Infidel), shrinkwrapped, NEC APC.
- Grey box, opened, Amiga.
- Grey box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack, solid black backboard with grey pen.
Zork Anthology
Zork Classics
Zork Collection
Zork Grand Inquisitor
- CD-ROM version, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- DVD-ROM version, IBM PC.
- German Green Pepper re-release, IBM PC.
- German version (Zork: Der Großinquisitor), CD-ROM, IBM PC.
- Japanese version, CD-ROM, IBM PC.
- MacPlay release in DVD case, Macintosh.
- XPlosiv budget release in DVD case, IBM PC.
- Soundtrack CD, shrinkwrapped.
Zork I Demo
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire
- Blister pack (folio), large, Wheeler Street address, signed by Marc Blank, unopened, Apple II.
- Blister pack (folio), small, Faneuil Hall address, signed by Marc Blank, unopened, Apple II.
- Blister pack (folio), small, Wheeler Street address, unopened, Atari 8-Bit.
- Commodore inlay from plastic case, with disk and manual in plastic bag.
- Commodore large folder package.
- Commodore plastic case.
- Commodore small folder package, horizontal catalog number and UPC, shrinkwrapped.
- Grey box, opened, signed by Marc Blank, Atari 8-Bit.
- Grey box, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
- Japanese graphic adventure, PC-9800.
- Japanese graphic adventure, Sega Saturn.
- Mastertronic package (#2), Amiga.
- Personal Software package ("Zork"), large manual version in plastic bag, TRS-80 Model I.
- Personal Software package ("Zork"), loose small manual, Apple II.
- Solid Gold package, shrinkwrapped, Macintosh.
- Witt's Notes hint book, 1984 version.
- InvisiClues and map, in opened blister pack.
- InvisiClues and map, Zork Users Group.
- Japanese PC-9800 cluebook.
- Japanese PlayStation/Sega Saturn cluebook.
- Sale sheet, Japanese graphic adventure for Playstation.
- Sale sheet, Japanese graphic adventure for Sega Saturn.
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz
- Blister pack (folio), large, Wheeler Street address, unopened, Apple II.
- Blister pack (folio), small, Faneuil Hall address, opened, Apple II.
- Blister pack (folio), small, Wheeler Street address, unopened, Atari 8-Bit.
- Commodore inlay from plastic case, with disk and manual in plastic bag.
- Commodore large folder package, shrinkwrapped.
- Commodore plastic case.
- Commodore small folder package, horizontal catalog number and UPC, shrinkwrapped.
- Commodore small folder package, vertical catalog number and UPC, shrinkwrapped.
- Digital repackaging, shrinkwrapped, DecMate II.
- Grey box, opened, Amiga.
- Loose diskette, orange lettering, Apple II.
- Mastertronic package (#6), Amiga.
- InvisiClues and map (unfolded), Zork Users Group.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
Zork III: The Dungeon Master
- Blister pack (folio), large, Wheeler Street address, Atari 8-Bit.
- Blister pack (folio), small, Wheeler Street address, unopened, Atari 8-Bit.
- Blister pack manual in plastic bag, Wheeler Street address, unopened, IBM PC.
- Commodore inlay from plastic case, with disk and manual in plastic bag.
- Commodore large folder package, shrinkwrapped.
- Commodore small folder package, horizontal catalog number and UPC, shrinkwrapped.
- Commodore small folder package, vertical catalog number and UPC, shrinkwrapped.
- Digital repackaging, shrinkwrapped, DEC Rainbow.
- Grey box, opened, signed by Marc Blank, Apple II.
- Mastertronic package (#7), Amiga.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- InvisiClues, Zork Users Group.
Zork Legacy Collection
- German version ("Zork Special Edition"), IBM PC.
- U.K. version ("Zork Adventure Trilogy"), IBM PC.
- U.S. version, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
Zork Nemesis
- A-List re-release box, IBM PC.
- Blue "Essentials" European box, IBM PC.
- French version ("Les Territoires Interdits"), shrinkwrapped, Macintosh.
- French version ("Les Territoires Interdits"), Ubisoft "Collection Classique" re-release, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- German Green Pepper re-release ("Zork Nemesis: Das Verbotene Land"), IBM PC.
- German version ("Zork Nemesis: Das Verboten Land"), IBM PC.
- Japanese version, IBM PC.
- Japanese version, Macintosh.
- Limited edition interactive preview, IBM PC.
- Original box, IBM PC.
- Original box, Macintosh.
- XPlosiv budget release in DVD case, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Large promotional store display box.
Zork Trilogy
- Big Red Computer Club release, Apple II.
- Digital repackaging, DEC Rainbow.
- Grey box, opened, Amiga.
- Grey box, shrinkwrapped, Atari ST.
- Mastertronic package, IBM PC.
- InvisiClues, sealed blister pack.
- Press release.
- Promotional dealer postcard.
- Sale sheet, one-sided, B&W two- and three-column ads.
Zork Zero
- Opened, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
ZorkQuest: Assault on Egreth Castle (#1)
- Opened, signed by Elizabeth Langosy, Commodore 64/128.
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
ZorkQuest: The Crystal of Doom (#2)
- Opened, signed by Elizabeth Langosy, IBM PC.
- Shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
Interceptor Software (Micros)
- After Shock
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case w/ inlay, Amstrad.
Empire of Karn
- Cassette w/ case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Forest at World's End
- Cassette w/ case and inlay, Amstrad.
Heroes of Khan
- Included in 10 Computer Hits package, black plastic case, Amstrad.
Jewels of Babylon
- MK-II plastic case, Amstrad.
Message from Andromeda
- Cassette w/ case and inlay, Amstrad.
Token of Ghall
- Cassette w/ case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Interplay 10-Year Anthology
- Box package, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Box package, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- Cassette in case with inlay, Spectrum.
- Folder package, Amiga.
- Small black plastic case, Commodore 64/128.
- Hint sheet.
Tass Times in Tonetown
- Large black plastic case with inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Shrinkwrapped, Amiga.
- Signed by Michael and Muffy Berlyn, Apple IIGS.
Tracer Sanction
- Shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
Island Graphics
- Secret Agent: Mission 1
- A+ Disk Magazine release, Apple II.
- Original release, loose folder.
Keypunch Software
- Adventure Games (Sorcerer's Castle, Trip to Atlantis, Castle Adventure, Cavern of Riches)
- Shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
Adventure Quest IV
- Apple / Commodore / IBM PC.
Fantasy Pak (Wumpus Hunter and 3 non-text games)
- Larger red box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Smaller gold box, IBM PC.
On the Run (Yukon, Stalag 23, On the Run, Shifting Sands)
Swords and Sorcery (Swords of Glass, Amulet of Yendor, The Golden Wombat, NYC Adventure)
Legend / MoviSoft
Legend Entertainment
- Eric the Unready
- Two-piece box with review blurbs and CGW award, CD-ROM version, IBM PC.
- Two-piece box with review blurbs, CD-ROM version, IBM PC.
- Two-piece box, disk version, signed by Bob Bates, IBM PC.
- Hint book.
(Frederik Pohl's) Gateway
Gateway II: Homeworld
Lost Adventures of Legend
Non-Game Items
- T-Shirt - "Sorcerer University" (Spellcasting series).
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the Girls
- Fantasy Adventure Pack (Slash complation with Leisure Suit Larry 1 VGA remake and Elvira), IBM PC.
- Hint book, tapered spine, no ISBN/barcode on back.
- Hint book, title on spine, ISBN/barcode on back.
Spellcasting 201: The Sorcerer's Appliance
- Hint book, title on spine, ISBN/barcode on back.
Spellcasting 301: Spring Break
Spellcasting Party Pak
Superhero League of Hoboken
- CD-ROM package, IBM PC.
- Disk package, IBM PC.
- Signed by Bob Bates, IBM PC.
- Hint book, title on spine, ISBN/barcode on back.
Level 9
- The Adrian Mole Secret Diary Kit
Adventure Quest
- Box package, BBC Micro.
- Wallet cassette package, wizard on inlay spine, Commodore 64/128.
- Wallet disk package, wizard on inlay spine, Commodore 64/128.
- Handwritten clue sheets by Pete Austin.
The Archers
Colossal Adventure
- Cardboard box package, shrinkwrapped, Oric-1.
- Wallet cassette package, wizard on inlay spine, Commodore 64/128.
- Clue sheet.
Dungeon Adventure
- Box package, BBC Micro.
- Wallet cassette package, wizard on inlay spine, Commodore 64/128.
- Clue sheet.
Emerald Isle
- Wallet cassette package, dragon on inlay spine, Commodore 64/128.
- Clue sheet.
Gnome Ranger
Growing Pains of Adrian Mole
- Larger Virgin plastic case, MSX.
- Larger Virgin plastic case, in hanging plastic package, sealed, Spectrum.
- Ricochet budget re-release, cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Amstrad / Spectrum.
Ingrid's Back! (Gnome Ranger II)
Jewels of Darkness
Knight Orc
Lords of Time
- Box package, BBC Micro.
- Wallet cassette package, wizard on inlay spine, early cover art, Spectrum.
- Wallet cassette package, wizard on inlay spine, later cover art, MSX.
- Clue sheet.
Price of Magik
- MK-II plastic case, inlay has award symbols, Spectrum.
- MK-II plastic case, inlay w/o award symbols, Spectrum.
- Clue sheet.
Red Moon
- MK-II plastic case, Spectrum.
- Clue sheet.
Return to Eden
- Wallet cassette package, wizard on inlay spine, early cover art, BBC Micro.
- Wallet cassette package, wizard on inlay spine, later cover art, Atari 8-Bit.
- Wallet disk package, wizard on inlay spine, later cover art, Commodore 64/128.
- Clue sheet.
The Saga of Erik the Viking
Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4
- MK-II plastic case, Amstrad.
- MK-II plastic case, Commodore 64/128.
- MK-II plastic case, no barcode on inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Silicon Dreams
- Box package, Spectrum.
- Wallet cassette package, wizard on inlay spine, BBC Micro.
- Wallet cassette package, wizard on inlay spine, Crash award on inlay, Atari 8-Bit.
- Clue sheet.
Time and Magik
- DataSoft US package, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Mandarin UK package ("Time and Majik Trilogy"), Spectrum.
Worm in Paradise
- MK-II plastic case, inlay has award symbols, Amstrad.
- MK-II plastic case, inlay w/o award symbols, Commodore 64/128.
- Clue sheet.
- Salvage
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Logical Choice
- Castles of Darkness
- Loose folder.
- Hint sheet.
LucasFilm / LucasArts
- Labyrinth
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Demo disk and instructions, Commodore 64/128.
- One-piece box, Apple II.
Magnetic Scrolls
- Corruption
- European packaging, Atari ST.
- US packaging, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
Guild of Thieves
Magnetic Scrolls Collection
- European package, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- U.S. package, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
The Pawn
QL Pawn
- European box, Amiga.
- One-piece U.S. slipcover box, IBM PC.
- Two-piece U.S. box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
Mark Data Products
- Black Sanctum
- Cassette with case only, TRS-80.
Calixto Island
- Cassette with case only, TRS-80.
Sea Quest
- Cassette with case only, TRS-80.
- Cassette with case only, TRS-80.
- Cassette with case only, TRS-80.
Marlin Games
- The Beast
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
- Star Saga: One - Beyond the Boundary
Star Saga: Two - The Clathran Menace
Demon's Tomb: The Awakening
- Box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Kobyashi Naru
- Box package, IBM PC.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Amstrad.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Quest for the Golden Eggcup
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Quest for the Holy Grail
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Hard plastic folder, Commodore 64/128.
Se-Kaa of Assiah
- Cassette with case and inlay, Mastertronic logo, Commodore 64/128.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Mastervision logo, Commodore 64/128.
- Hard plastic folder, Commodore 64/128.
Shard of Inovar
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Sinbad and the Golden Ship
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Time to Die (Borrowed Time)
- One-piece box, IBM PC / Commodore.
- Two-piece box, IBM PC.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
- Mind Castle I
- Clamshell (plastic on cardboard) case, Apple II.
Mind Castle II
- Two-piece box (by "Lawrence Productions"), Apple II.
Med Systems / Screenplay
Deathmaze 5000
- Loose cassette and manual, TRS-80.
Dunzhin (Warriors of Ras vol. I)
The Institute
Kaiv (Warriors of Ras vol. II)
- Loose cassette and manual, TRS-80.
Lucifer's Realm
- European release in hard plastic folder (All American Adventures / American Eagle), Atari 8-Bit.
- Loose disks with dot-matrix printed labels, system unknown.
Reality Ends
- Loose cassette and manual, TRS-80.
Warriors of Ras (Dunzhin, Kaiv)
The Wylde (Warriors of Ras vol. III)
Ziggurat (Warriors of Ras vol. IV)
Melbourne House
- Castle of Terror
- Large plastic tray with paperboard top cover, Commodore 64/128.
Classic Adventure
- Cassette w/ case and inlay, warranty card torn off, Commodore 64/128.
Crack of Doom
Dodgy Geezers
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Medium clear plastic case, in hanging plastic package, sealed, Spectrum.
Fellowship of the Ring
- Addison-Wesley early (tan) package, Apple II.
- Addison-Wesley early (tan) package, Commodore 64/128.
- Addison-Wesley early (tan) package, gold-letter complimentary copy, IBM PC.
- Addison-Wesley later (green) package, IBM PC.
Grand Larceny
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
A Guide to Playing "The Hobbit"
- Computer and Video Games review blurb on cover.
- No review blurb on cover.
- Large plastic tray with paperboard top cover, Spectrum.
- Large plastic tray, missing paperboard top cover, Commodore 64/128.
The Hobbit
- Addison-Wesley early (tan) package, Apple II.
- Addison-Wesley early (tan) package, IBM PC.
- Addison-Wesley early (tan) package, no system or product number on spine, Apple II.
- Addison-Wesley later (red) package, IBM PC.
- Addison-Wesley later (red) package, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Black cardboard box, Amstrad.
- Black cardboard box, Commodore 64/128.
- Black cardboard box, Oric-1.
- Black cardboard box, Spectrum.
- Black cardboard box, Sinclair logo on manual, Spectrum.
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
- Flat plastic folder, IBM PC.
- Player's guide (2 slightly different covers).
Kwah! (Redhawk 2)
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
Lord of the Rings (Game One)
- Flat plastic folder, Commodore 64/128.
- Large plastic case, Commodore 64/128.
- Large plastic case, Spectrum.
Mordon's Quest
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
- Cassette in medium clear plastic case with inlay, German version, Amstrad.
Shadows of Mordor
- Blue/red cardboard box with paperboard top cover, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- Yellow/blue cardboard box with paperboard top cover, early manual, Spectrum.
- Yellow/blue cardboard box, missing paperboard top cover, later manual, Spectrum.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Tolkien Trilogy (The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings: Game One, Shadows of Mordor)
Zim Sala Bim
- Large plastic tray with paperboard top cover, Commodore 64/128.
Mercury Screen Entertainments
The Omega Transmission
- Time Bandit
- Michtron slipcover box, Atari ST.
- Two-piece box with Byte review blurb, IBM PC.
- Two-piece red box with Byte review blurb, Amiga.
- Jerusalem (Adventure 2)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Dragon 32.
Keys of the Wizard
- Cassette with case and inlay, Dragon 32.
- Cassette with case and inlay, TRS-80.
Mansion (Adventure 1)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Dragon 32.
- Cassette with case and inlay, TRS-80 / Dragon.
- Romantic Encounters at the Dome
MicroLab / MicroFun
Palace in Thunderland
- Loose disk and manual, Apple II.
- Kentilla
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Miles Computing
- Questmaster: The Prism of Heheutotol
Islands of Beta
- Racter
- Folder, shrinkwrapped, Macintosh.
- Lair of the Dragon
- Disk and manual in plastic bag, TRS-80.
- The Unorthodox Engineers: The Pen and the Dark
Mysterious Adventures
- Arrow of Death, Part 1 (#3)
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, Commodore 64/128.
- Paxman Promotion, cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Arrow of Death, Part 2 (#4)
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, Commodore 64/128.
Circus (#7)
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, has AI U.K. address label, Commodore 64/128.
- Comm*Data / Channel 8 large yellow plastic case, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- Digital Fantasia box, Spectrum.
Escape from Pulsar 7 (#5)
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, Commodore 64/128.
The Feasibility Experiment (#2)
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, Commodore 64/128.
The Golden Baton (#1)
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, Commodore 64/128.
- Paxman Promotion, cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Perseus and Andromeda (#9)
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, Commodore 64/128.
- Paxman Promotion, cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Ten Little Indians (#10)
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, has AI U.K. address label, Commodore 64/128.
- Paxman Promotion, cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
The Time Machine (#6)
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, Commodore 64/128.
- Paxman Promotion, cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 16/+4.
Waxworks (#11)
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, Atari 8-Bit.
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, Atari 8-Bit.
- Dixon's Pack, cassette (black lettering) with case and inlay, Spectrum.
- Paxman Promotion, cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Wizard (of) Akyrz (#8)
- Channel 8 small plastic wallet, Commodore 64/128.
- Paxman Promotion, cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Number 9 Software
- The Neverending Story
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
- Cassettes in medium clear plastic case with inlay, Amstrad.
- Universe
- Large black binder, Apple II.
- Loose disks and manual from box package, Atari 8-Bit.
Universe II
Universe III
- Impressions European release, IBM PC.
- Two-piece box, shrinkwrapped, Amiga.
Origin Systems
Oxford Digital Enterprises
- Macbeth
- Avalon Hill box, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- Creative Sparks black plastic case, Commodore 64/128.
- Demoniak
- Memorex repackaging (Dark Passages II), with Wizardry VII and The CHAOS Continuum, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Two-piece box, IBM PC.
Twilight's Ransom
Penguin / Polarware
- Coveted Mirror
- Penguin package, Apple II.
- Polarware package, Geneva address, Apple II.
Crimson Crown (Further Adventures in Transylvania)
- Polarware package ("From Polarware / Penguin"), blue Comprehend logo, Geneva address, Commodore 64/128.
- Polarware package ("From Polarware Inc"), blue Comprehend logo, Geneva address, Commodore 64/128.
- Polarware package (also has Penguin logo), black Comprehend logo, Geneva address, Commodore 64/128.
- Polarware package (Polarware logo only), blue Comprehend logo, Batavia address, IBM PC.
Graphics Magician
The Graphics Magician Picture Painter
- Keslinger Rd address, Apple II.
- Polarware package, Geneva address, shrinkwrapped, Amiga.
- Polarware package, Geneva address, signed by Michael and Muffy Berlyn, IBM PC.
- Hint sheet, Apple II.
The Quest
- Penguin package, border around company/system info on back, Macintosh.
- Penguin package, no border around company/products info on back, Apple II.
- Hint sheet.
Ring Quest
- Penguin package, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Batavia address, Apple II.
- Geneva address, Apple II.
- Penguin folder, missing disk.
- Penguin package, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Polarware package, "Comprehend with graphics" box, Geneva address, shrinkwrapped, Amiga.
- Polarware package, "Comprehend" box, Geneva address, IBM PC.
Transylvania III: Vanquish the Night
Phipps Associates
- Colditz
- Cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
The Knight's Quest
- Cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
Magic Mountain
- Cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
The Pharaoh's Tomb
- Cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
Phoenix Software
- Adventure in Time
- Pouch package, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
Birth of the Phoenix
- Disk and manual in plastic bag, Apple II.
- Folder, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Promotional poster.
The Queen of Phobos
Sherwood Forest
- Folder, Apple II.
- Starcraft Japanese release in large folder, Apple II.
Special Value Adventure Pack (Adventure in Time, The Queen of Phobos)
- Pouch package, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
Players Premiere Software
- Journey to the Center of Eddie Smith's Head
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Matt Lucas
- Cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
The Serf's Tale
- Cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
Shrewsbury Key
- Cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
Zacaron Mystery
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Programmers Guild, The
Progressive Peripherals and Software
Pryority Software
- Two-piece box, Macintosh.
- Ring of Power
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Velnor's Lair
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions, Spectrum.
- Puzzled!
- Cassette with case and inlay, system unknown, Spectrum.
Radio Shack
Dungeons of Daggorath
- Grey box, shrinkwrapped, Tandy Color Computer.
- Silver box, Tandy Color Computer.
- Cassettes and large manual, TRS-80.
Haunted House
Madness and the Minotaur
Magic Carpet
- Cassette with large manual, TRS-80.
Pyramid 2000
Sword of Roshon
- Cassette with large manual, TRS-80.
- Disk with large manual, TRS-80.
Ram Jam
- Terrors of Trantoss
- Medium clear plastic case with inlay (Also has Ariolasoft Screen Shot Challenge card, unscratched), Spectrum.
Valkyrie 17
Random House
- Scary Mutant Space Aliens from Mars
Richard Shepherd Software
- Invincible Island
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Super Spy
- Cassette in small plastic case with inlay, Spectrum.
River Software
- Bounty Hunter
- Cassette with case / inlay / document / map / clue sheet, Spectrum.
Domes of Shea (plus Letter Bomb)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Ellisnore Diamond
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions, Spectrum.
- Rick Hanson Trilogy: Saga of a Spy (Rick Hanson, Project Theseus, Myroem)
- Two-piece black cardboard box, BBC Micro.
Salamander Software
- Franklin's Tomb
- Empty plastic folder, Dragon 32.
- Plastic case, Dragon 32.
(Dan Diamond Is) Lost In Space
Scorpio Gamesworld Ltd
- Time Quest (Adventureworld)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Sentient Software
- Jericho Road
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions, Spectrum.
The Pettigrew Chronicles
- Black plastic case, Commodore 64/128.
Sierra On-Line
The Black Cauldron
- One-piece flipbox, Apple II.
- Two-piece slipcover box, shrinkwrapped, Atari ST.
- Hint booklet, invisible ink version, in non-resealable plastic package, unopened.
- Hint booklet, invisible ink version, in resealable plastic package.
Code-Name: Iceman
- Two-piece slipcover box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
The Colonel's Bequest
- Two-piece slipcover box, IBM PC.
- Hint booklet, red window version, loose.
Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail
- One-piece slipcover box, Slash release, IBM PC.
- Two-piece slipcover box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Hint booklet, red window version, in sealed blister pack.
Cranston Manor
Dark Crystal
- SierraVenture large manual/folder, with poster, Apple II.
Dragon's Keep
Gelfling Adventure
- Encyclopedia Brittanica re-release, Apple II.
- Sierra release, loose disk, Apple II.
Gold Rush!
- Software Farm re-release in wooden box, IBM PC.
- Two-piece slipcover box, shrinkwrapped, Atari ST.
- Hint booklet, red window version, in sealed blister pack.
Hero's Quest
- Two-piece slipcover box, IBM PC.
- Hint booklet, red window version, loose.
King's Quest (Quest for the Crown)
- Early clamshell case, Tandy 1000.
- Early one-piece box with white/black lettering on side, Apple II.
- IBM plastic case, original release, IBM PC.
- One-piece flipbox, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Parker Brothers release, shrinkwrapped, Sega Master System.
- Two-piece slipcover box, darker (brown) color, IBM PC.
- Two-piece slipcover box, lighter (tan) color, Apple II.
- Hint booklet, invisible ink version, in resealable plastic package.
King's Quest 15th Anniversary Collector's Edition (King's Quest I - VI)
- European release in blue slipcover box, IBM PC.
- U.S. release, IBM PC.
King's Quest Collection
- DVD case (King's Quest I - VII), European release, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Large horizontal flipbox (King's Quest I - VII), sealed, IBM PC.
- Large one-piece box (King's Quest I - VI), shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Small one-piece box (King's Quest I - VII), sealed, IBM PC.
King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne
- One-piece flipbox, Apple II.
- One-piece slipcover box, Slash release, darker (brown) color, IBM PC.
- Two-piece slipcover box, darker (brown) color, manual signed by Roberta Williams, IBM PC.
- Two-piece slipcover box, lighter (tan) color, IBM PC.
- Hint booklet, invisible ink version, in resealable plastic package.
- Hint booklet, red window version, in sealed blister pack.
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human
- Kixx European release, Amiga.
- One-piece flipbox, darker color, IBM PC.
- One-piece flipbox, lighter color, Tandy 1000.
- Tona Severa hint disk, shrinkwrapped, Atari ST.
- Two-piece slipcover box, Apple II.
- Hint booklet, invisible ink version, loose.
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella
- Kixx European release, Amiga.
- Two-piece slipcover box, IBM PC.
- Hint booklet, invisible ink version, in non-resealable plastic package, unopened.
- Hint booklet, red window version, in sealed blister pack.
- Tona Severa hint disk, shrinkwrapped, Atari ST.
Leisure Suit Larry Collection (Leisure Suit Larry 1, 2, 3, 5, 6)
- Large horizontal flipbox, sealed, signed by Al Lowe, IBM PC.
- Small one-piece box, sealed, IBM PC.
- U.K. release, plastic case, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places) (LSL 2)
- Two-piece slipcover box, signed by Al Lowe, Atari ST.
- Hint booklet, red window version, loose, with cover from blister pack.
- Promotional beach towel.
Leisure Suit Larry III: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals
- Two-piece slipcover box, signed by Al Lowe, IBM PC.
- Hint booklet, red window version, loose.
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (LSL 1)
- Two-piece slipcover box, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Two-piece slipcover box, signed by Al Lowe, Atari ST.
- Hint booklet, invisible ink version, in non-resealable plastic package, cut open.
- Hint booklet, red window version, in sealed blister pack.
Leisure Suit Larry Triple Pack
- Large two-piece slipcover box, IBM PC.
Leisure Suit Larry Ultimate Pleasure Pack (Leisure Suit Larry 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7)
- Large box, sealed, IBM PC.
Leisure Suit Larry's Greatest Hits and Misses (Leisure Suit Larry 1, 2, 3, 5, 6)
- European release ("Leisure Suit Larry 1-2-3-5-6 Collection"), IBM PC.
- German version ("Leisure Suit Larry 1-2-3-5-6 Collection"), loose CD and instructions, IBM PC.
- U.S. release, IBM PC.
Mickey's Space Adventure
Mission: Asteroid
- Impulse Software release, box, also includes Wizard and the Princess, Commodore 64/128.
- Impulse Software release, small plastic package, also includes Wizard and the Princess, unopened, Commodore 64/128.
- Load 'n' Go plastic package, top cut off, Commodore 64/128.
- Sierra On-Line small box, unopened, Commodore 64/128.
- SierraVenture large manual/folder, Apple II.
- Small On-Line Systems folder, logo on back, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
- Small On-Line Systems folder, no logo on back, Apple II.
Mystery House
- Big Red Computer Club release, loose disk, Apple II.
- Blue paper card, loose, Apple II.
- Loose disk, tan label with mountain photo and typewriter lettering, Apple II.
- SierraVenture large folder and disk, Apple II.
Non-Game Items
Police Quest 2: The Vengeance
- Kixx European release, IBM PC.
- Two-piece slipcover box, Atari ST.
- Hint booklet, red window version, loose.
Police Quest Collection
- DVD case (Police Quest I - III, Open Season), "Classic Collection" cover, European release, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- DVD case (Police Quest I - III, Open Season), European release, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Large horizontal flipbox (Police Quest I - III, Open Season, SWAT), sealed, IBM PC.
- Large one-piece box, (Police Quest I - III, Open Season, SWAT), European release, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Small one-piece box (Police Quest I - III, Open Season), sealed, IBM PC.
Police Quest Collection: The 4 Most Wanted (Police Quest I - III, SWAT)
Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel
- One-piece slipcover box, Slash release, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC, IBM PC.
- Two-piece slipcover box, Apple II.
- Hint booklet, invisible ink version, loose.
- Hint booklet, red window version, in opened blister pack.
Quest for Glory Anthology (Quest for Glory I - IV)
- European release (English and German), shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
Quest for Glory Collection (Quest for Glory I - IV)
- Large horizontal flipbox, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire
- Kixx European release, Amiga.
- One-piece slipcover box, Slash release, IBM PC.
- Two-piece slipcover box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Hint booklet, red window version, in sealed blister pack.
Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero (QFG 1)
- Kixx European re-release, Amiga.
- Two-piece slipcover box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
Roberta Williams Anthology
- U.K. release, slipcover box, IBM PC.
- U.S. release, sealed, IBM PC.
Sierra Super Sampler (Space Quest III, Hoyle's Book of Games, Thexder)
- Large two-piece slipcover box, Macintosh.
Sierra's 3-in-One Value Pack (Space Quest III, A-10 Tank Killer, Hoyle's Book of Games)
- Large two-piece slipcover box, IBM PC.
Sierra's Quest For Adventure (King's Quest III, Police Quest 3, Space Quest III)
- Two-piece slipcover box, IBM PC.
Space Quest 15th Anniversary Collector's Edition (Space Quest I - V)
Space Quest Collection (Space Quest I - VI)
- DVD case, "Classic Collection" cover, European release, IBM PC.
- Large horizontal flipbox, sealed, IBM PC.
- Small one-piece box, sealed, IBM PC.
Space Quest Collection: Roger Wilco Unclogged (Space Quest I - V)
Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge
- One-piece slipcover box, Slash release, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Two-piece slipcover box, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Hint booklet, invisible ink version, loose.
Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon
- Kixx European re-release, Atari ST.
- Sierra slipcased box, embossed title with purple border, IBM PC.
- Sierra slipcased box, plain title, Atari ST.
- Hint booklet, red window version, in opened blister pack.
The Space Quest Saga (Space Quest I - IV)
- Large two-piece slipcover box, IBM PC.
Space Quest Trilogy
- Large two-piece slipcover box, IBM PC.
Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter (SQ1)
- One-piece flipbox, shrinkwrapped, Amiga.
- Two-piece slipcover box, purple title, Apple II.
- Two-piece slipcover box, red title, Atari ST.
- Hint booklet, invisible ink version, in resealable plastic package.
Starter Pack (Leisure Suit Larry I, Police Quest I, Space Quest I)
- Two-piece slipcover box, IBM PC.
SWAT Career Pack (Police Quest I - III, Open Season, SWAT 1-3)
Time Zone
- Large two-piece box, Apple II.
Triple Value Pack
- Two-piece slipcover box, IBM PC.
Troll's Tale
- Plastic bag, sealed, Apple II.
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece
- Load 'n' Go larger plastic package, unopened, Apple II.
- On-Line Systems small folder, shrinkwrapped, Atari 8-Bit.
- SierraVenture large manual/folder, no "Notes" pages, Apple II.
- SierraVenture large manual/folder, with "Notes" pages, Apple II.
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood
- One-piece flipbox, shrinkwrapped, Tandy 1000.
Wizard and the Princess
Silicon Beach Software
Silicon Software
Simon and Schuster
Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative
- First release, Apple II.
- First release, Commodore 64/128.
- First release, IBM PC.
- Revised manual version, Commodore 64/128.
- Revised manual version, IBM PC.
- Revised manual version, Macintosh.
- Clue book.
Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy
- Thicker folder, Apple II.
- Thicker folder, IBM PC.
- Thicker folder, Macintosh.
- Thinner folder, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
Simulated Environment Systems
The Usurper: The Mines of Qynt?rr
Critical Mass
- Box package, Apple II.
- Demo disk, Apple II.
Escape from Rungistan
Gruds in Space
Kabul Spy
- Demo disk, Apple II.
- Paperboard folder package, Apple II.
Software 2000
Die Kathedrale
Software 2000 Compilation (Hexuma, Die Kathedrale, Das Stundenglas)
(Das) Studenglas
Software Emporium
Software Express
Software Supersavers Ltd.
- Ziggurat
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Software Toolworks / Software Country
- 3-Pack Game Special (Original Adventure, MyChess, Space Invaders)
Golden Oldies
- EA-style square flat folder (Software Toolworks), IBM PC.
- Square folder with attached booklet (Software Country), Commodore 64/128.
Spectral Associates
Spectrum Adventures
- Hammer of Grimmold and Mutant (Tape 3)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Into the Mystic
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions / clue sheet, Spectrum.
The Miser
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Witch Hunt and The Cup (Tape 2)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Spectrum Holobyte
- The Scoop
- Spinnaker slipcase box, IBM PC.
- Spinnaker two-piece box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
St. Brides
- The Secret of St. Brides
- Cassette with case and inlay, Commodore 64/128.
Step One Software
- Skull Island
- Cassette in square black plastic clamshell case with inlay, Commodore 64/128.
- Shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- Signed by Robert Pinsky, Apple II.
Synergistic Software
- Probe One: The Transmitter
- Paperboard folder package, Atari 8-Bit.
The Warlock's Revenge
- Loose disk and manual, Atari 8-Bit.
- House of Death
- Small black plastic case with inlay, Oric-1.
Land of Illusion
Tartan Software
- Gordello Incident
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Spectrum Adventures Starter Pack
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
- Souls of Darkon
- Small plastic case, Spectrum.
- U.S. repackaging by Classic Works / Tri-Micro (with a non-IF game, Catch a Thief), Commodore 64/128.
Three Rivers Software
- Moses (Old Testament Adventure #1)
Avon (with Murdac)
Countdown to Doom
Giant Killer
Kingdom of Hamil
Last Days of Doom (with Hezarin)
Philosopher's Quest
Return to Doom
- Square plastic folder, IBM PC.
Spy Snatcher
Trillium / Telarium
- Amazon
- ASL release in plastic case, IBM PC.
- Telarium box, shrinkwrapped, Atari ST.
- Telarium folder, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- Trillium folder, Commodore 64/128.
- ASL release in plastic case, IBM PC.
- Telarium box, Apple II.
- Telarium folder, Commodore 64/128.
- Trillium folder, IBM PC.
Fahrenheit 451
- ASL release in plastic case, IBM PC.
- Telarium box, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Telarium folder, shrinkwrapped, Atari ST.
- Trillium folder, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
Nine Princes in Amber
- ASL release in plastic case, IBM PC.
- Telarium box, shrinkwrapped, Commodore 64/128.
- Telarium folder, Commodore 64/128.
Non-Game Items
- Telarium newsletter #1.
- Trillium newsletter #1.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin Murderer
- ASL release in plastic case.
- Telarium box, shrinkwrapped, Apple II.
- Telarium folder, seals unbroken, Apple II.
Rendezvous with Rama
Serpent's Star
Victory Software
- Adventure Pack 1
- Shrinkwrapped, Coleco ADAM.
Adventure Pack 2
- Shrinkwrapped, Coleco ADAM.
- Ghost Town
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
The Island
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Windham Classics
- Alice in Wonderland
- Mighty Micro magazine with cover art poster, Apple II.
- Flipbox, inside cover opened, Commodore 64/128.
Below the Root
- Flipbox, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Regular box, shrinkwrapped, Tandy 1000.
Swiss Family Robinson
- Flipbox, Commodore 64/128.
- Regular box, Apple II.
Treasure Island
- Flipbox, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Regular box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
Wizard of Oz
- Flipbox, Commodore 64/128.
- Regular box, shrinkwrapped, IBM PC.
- Juxtaposition: Barons of Ceti V
- Cassette with case and inlay, Dragon 32.
Return of the Ring
- Medium black plastic case with inlay, Dragon 32.
Zenobi Software
- Balrog and the Cat and The Goblin Gazzette
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Balrog's Box of Delights
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Behold Atlantis
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Crack City
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions / clue sheet, Spectrum.
Deep Waters, Vol. II
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
El Diablo
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions / deck plan, Spectrum.
Escape from Hodgkins' Manor
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
From Out of a Dark Night Sky and Behind Closed Doors
- Cassette with case and inlay, clue sheets, Spectrum.
Fuddo and Slam and The Guide
- Cassette with case and inlay (red), clue sheet (Fuddo and Slam), Spectrum.
Golden Pyramid
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Golden Sword of Bhakhor
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions, Spectrum.
House on the Tor
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
The Legacy
- Cassette with case / inlay / instructions / clue sheet, Spectrum.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Lost Temple
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
One of Our Wombats is Missing and The Goblin Gazzette
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Retarded Creatures and Caverns and A Legacy for Alaric (Part 1)
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Secret of Hodcome
- Cassette with case and inlay, Spectrum.
Seeker of Gold
- Cassette with case and inlay (red), Spectrum.
Tales of Mathematica
- Cassette with case and inlay (red), Spectrum.
Books (alphabetically by author)
Addams, Shay
- Quest for Clues.
- Quest for Clues II.
- Quest for Clues III.
- Quest for Clues IV.
- Quest for Clues: The Manual of Swords (Quest for Clues V).
- Questbusters: Keys to the Kingdoms.
- Questbusters: Keys to the Kingdoms 2.
Ahl, David
- Basic Computer Adventures.
Bailey, Robin W.
- Enchanter.
- The Lost City of Zork.
Barba, Rick
- Computer Adventure Game Secrets: The Condor.
- Zork Nemesis: Unauthorized Secrets and Solutions.
Berlyn, MichaelBorders, GaryBradbury, A.J.
- Adventure Games for the Commodore 64.
Brand, Stewart
- Whole Earth Software Catalog 1.0.
Bridge, TonyBridge, Tony, and Richard WilliamsBridge, Tony, and Roy CarnellBuddine, Laura
- Building Applications with Cornerstone.
Campbell, Keith
- Computer and Video Games Book of Adventure.
Cassidy, Jack, Pete Katz, Richard Owen Lynn and Sergio Waisman
- A Shortcut Through Adventureland.
Chappell, BobCover, Arthur Byron
- Planetfall.
- Stationfall.
- Stationfall, Signed by author.
DaCosta, Frank
- Writing BASIC Adventure Programs for the TRS-80.
Darr, Jürgen
- Die Space Quest Story, German.
Dornbrook, Michael, and Marc Blank
- The MDL Programming Language Primer.
Effinger, George Alec
- The Zork Chronicles, Signed by author.
Estall, David
- Adventures for Your Commodore 64.
Foster, Alan DeanGalley, S.W., and G. Pfister
- The MDL Programming Language.
Gardner, Craig ShawGerrard, Mike
- The Adventurer's Notebook.
- Adventures on the Spectrum.
Gerrard, Mike and Peter
- The Adventurer's Companion.
Gerrard, Peter
- Exploring Adventures on the Commodore 64.
- Exploring Adventures on the Spectrum 48K.
- Exploring Adventures on the VIC.
Gifford, Clive, and Robert Young
- Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer.
Grace, Mike
- Commodore 64 Adventures.
- Commodore 64 Adventures, Swedish printing ("Äventyrsspel Vic 64").
Hardy, Jack B.
- Adventures with the Atari.
Hartnell, Tim
- Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer.
Hirofumi, Hiroi
- Spellbreaker, Japanese adventure novel.
Horn, Delton T.
- Golden Flutes and Great Escapes: How to Write Adventure Games (for the TRS-80), no software.
- Golden Flutes and Great Escapes: How to Write Adventure Games for the Apple II, with software.
- Golden Flutes and Great Escapes: How to Write Adventure Games for the Commodore 64, with software.
Howard, Duncan
- Introduction to MUD Multi-User Dungeon.
Howarth, Les, and Cheryl Evans
- Write Your Own Fantasy Games for Your Microcomputer.
Hurley, Richard G.
- Graphic Adventures for the Spectrum 48K.
Killworth, Peter
- How to Write Adventure Games.
Kita, Kota
- Deadline, Japanese adventure novel.
Kitamura, Shinichi
- Suspect, Japanese adventure novel.
Lebling, P. David
- The MDL Programming Environment.
Liddil, Robert (Bob)
- The Captain 80 Book of BASIC Adventures.
- Castles and Kingdoms.
Lynn, Richard Owen, Paul Ashley and Michael W. Sloan
- A Shortcut through Adventureland II: Infocom.
McGrath, Gary
- Compute!'s Guide to Adventure Games.
Menick, Jim
- Basic Adventure and Strategy Game Design for the Apple.
Meretzky, S. Eric (Steve)
- Zork: Conquest at Quendor (#4), $1.95 price on front cover, no Tor logo, no ISBN.
- Zork: Conquest at Quendor (#4), No price on front cover, Tor logo on front cover and spine, has ISBN.
- Zork: The Cavern of Doom (#3), $1.95 price on front cover, no Tor logo, no ISBN.
- Zork: The Cavern of Doom (#3), Australian printing.
- Zork: The Cavern of Doom (#3), No price on front cover, Tor logo on front cover and spine, has ISBN.
- Zork: The Cavern of Doom (#3), Spanish printing ("La Caverna del Destino").
- Zork: The Cavern of Doom (#3), U.K. printing.
- Zork: The Forces Of Krill (#1), $1.95 price on front cover, no Tor logo, no ISBN.
- Zork: The Forces Of Krill (#1), Australian printing.
- Zork: The Forces Of Krill (#1), No price on front cover, Tor logo on front cover and spine, has ISBN.
- Zork: The Forces Of Krill (#1), Spanish printing ("Las Fuerzas de Krill").
- Zork: The Forces Of Krill (#1), U.K. printing.
- Zork: The Malifestro Quest (#2), $1.95 price on front cover, no Tor logo, no ISBN.
- Zork: The Malifestro Quest (#2), $2.25 price on front cover, Tor logo on spine only, no ISBN.
- Zork: The Malifestro Quest (#2), Australian printing.
- Zork: The Malifestro Quest (#2), No price on front cover, Tor logo on front cover and spine, has ISBN.
- Zork: The Malifestro Quest (#2), Spanish printing ("La Busqueda de Malifestro").
Mills, Craig
- King's Quest: The Floating Castle.
Monfort, Nick
- Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction.
Morr, Kenyon
- King's Quest: Kingdom of Sorrow.
- King's Quest: See No Weevil.
Mueller, Michael, and Martin Schuchardt
- The Leisure Suit Larry Story.
Nelson, Andrew
- Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer.
Odom, Mel
- Zork Grand Inquisitor: Prima's Unauthorized Guide.
Okawa, Takeshi
- Witness, Japanese adventure novel.
Quirie, Duncan
- Adventures for Your Commodore 64.
Richards, Neil
- Starship Titanic: The Official Strategy Guide.
Roberts, Ralph, and Al Lowe
- The Official Book of Leisure Suit Larry, First Edition.
- The Official Book of Leisure Suit Larry, Second Edition.
- The Official Book of Leisure Suit Larry, Special Edition.
Schulz, Manuel
- The Interactive Fiction Collector's Guide, Edition 1.0.
Schutte, Kim
- The Book of Adventure Games.
- The Book of Adventure Games II.
Schwartz, Steve
- Return to Zork Adventurer's Guide.
Scisco, Peter
- The Police Quest Casebook, Second Edition.
Shaw, Peter, and James Mortleman
- Creating Adventure Programs on the ZX Spectrum.
Shaw, Peter, and Stuart McCrae
- Creating Adventures on Your BBC Micro.
Shiratori, Yoichi
- Enchanter, Japanese adventure novel.
- Sorcerer, Japanese adventure novel.
Simon, M.K.
- Keys to Solving Computer Adventure Games.
- Keys to Solving Computer Adventure Games, Book II.
Skarbeck, April, and Gerald R. Van Diver
- Skarbeck's Software Directory: Apple Computers.
Spangenburg, Ray, and Diane Moser
- The Survival Kit for Apple Computer Games.
Spear, Peter
- The Authorized, Uncensored Leisure Suit Larry Bedside Companion.
- The King's Quest Companion, First Edition.
- The King's Quest Companion, Second Edition, thicker version.
- The King's Quest Companion, Second Edition, thinner version.
- The King's Quest Companion, Third Edition, $19.95 price.
- The King's Quest Companion, Third Edition, $21.95 price.
- The Official Zork Nemesis Strategy Guide.
- Return to Zork: The Official Guide to the Great Underground Empire.
- Return to Zork: The Official Guide to the Great Underground Empire, Japanese printing.
Stanton, Jeffrey, Mia McCroskey, Michael Mellin (editors)
- The Book of Apple Software, 6th Edition.
Stanton, Jeffrey, Robert R. Wells Ph.D, and Sandra Rochowansky
- The Book of Atari Software, 1983.
Stohl, Margaret
- The Official Zork Grand Inquisitor Strategy Guide.
Swigart, Rob
- Portal, U.K. paperback printing, signed by author.
- Portal, U.S. hardcover edition, signed by author.
Townsend, Carl
- Conquering Adventure Games.
Trivette, Donald B.
- Official Book of King's Quest: Daventry and Beyond, First Edition.
- Official Book of King's Quest: Daventry and Beyond, Second Edition.
Tyler, Jenny, and Les Howarth
- Write Your Own Adventure Programs for Your Microcomputer.
Vile, Richard C., Jr.
- Programming Your Own Adventure Games in Pascal, hardcover.
- Programming Your Own Adventure Games in Pascal, softcover.
Walkowiak, J.
- Adventure Gamewriters Handbook for Commodore.
Watt, Ian
- Creating Adventure Programs on the BBC Micro.
Williamson, Gil
- Computer Adventures: The Secret Art, Signed by author.
Yokokura, Hiroshi
- Zork I, Japanese adventure novel.
- Zork II, Japanese adventure novel.
- Zork III, Japanese adventure novel.
Vault Stats
There are currently 1629 items in the YOIS vault.
There are 837 individual game titles represented here.
There are 188 different game companies represented here.
Based on the ratio of items I have to items still on my want list, my game collection is 67% complete.
Going by an average weight of 12 ounces per game (the mass of a typical Infocom grey), my personal collection currently weighs approximately 628 pounds. B-)
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