YOIS News Archive (2020)

12/30/2020I promised myself I'd reopen the site before the end of the year, and I made it happen. I think all of the weird issues since the last migration are fixed, but please let me know if you experience anything unusual.

Item stock and pricing are up to date, though I still have a few minor corrections to make on the back end. In the coming weeks I'll be listing everything I've accumulated since the start of the downtime (the longest in the site's history I believe).

Happy New Year, everyone. Glad to be done with this one.

08/30/2020[Telegram from C.E. Forman, Proprietor, Ye Olde Infocomme Shoppe:]

Attention, Paul V:

I have been sending you emails STOP You do not appear to be receiving them STOP Please check your filters STOP One-way communication is so nineteenth century STOP End of message

08/18/2020I took a long weekend off work -- so thankful to still have reliable employment during the pandemic -- and spent the better part of three days organizing and de-cluttering the Shoppe. I'd really let things slide: Boxes of stuff I'd bought but never gone through, and in some cases never even opened. Games I pulled off the shelves to take pictures of, but then never put them back. Corners I'd neglected for years and forgotten what was in them, only to wind up pleasantly surprised now.

I've been getting up before dawn, kind of like Hemmingway except I don't end up drunk before noon. Restocking the shelves was like defragmenting a hard drive -- It's amazing how much free space I have now that I've compacted everything and the shelves are only slightly overflowing. I'll be listing new stuff in the coming weeks. Or possibly months, let's be realistic here.

There's still some clutter, and I'm looking to unload some of it in bulk. Does anyone have any interest in a big box of nothing but The Third Courier by Accolade? Or perhaps a smaller box of National Lampoon's Chess Maniac 5 Billion and One? Or what about a load of miscellaneous educational, sports and shovelware games? I'd give you a big discount on the first two, and send the third for the cost of shipping and PayPal fees just so it's not in my house or a landfill.

It's amazing how much I can get accomplished when I apply myself. Turns out my first grade teacher was right. Thanks, Miss Morgan. (And nobody better try using that little detail to bypass my security questions, because it won't work!)

08/01/2020After a large order forced me to take a good hard look at the Shoppe and how disorganized and full of missing items it is, I'm closing it for a bit until I can get things back in order. This means I'm probably not going to be able to fill new orders for a while. On the plus side, I have boxes of new items to go through so there will be a lot to check out once I do reopen. I appreciate everyone's (hopefully) understanding.
07/09/2020The server migration was completed yesterday. I haven't noticed any issues, but if you experience anything non-functional please let me know. I've had a number of large orders lately and some of my shelves, most noticeably the Infocom and Sierra ones, are looking a little depleted. Fortunately I have a sizable backlog of not-yet-listed items to go through. (Sorry, no advance requests.) With no sign of the pandemic letting up, my usual plans are on hold so I should have time to start on that this weekend.
07/07/2020I've been informed that the server YOIS is on will be moving shortly. Please let me know if you experience any issues.
04/12/2020Hopefully everyone is managing okay in these increasingly interesting times. I haven't come across anything new for my personal collection or the Shoppe lately, but with the extra time I have I'm going through my clutter and listing some rare console games, and some for computer, on my Bonanza booth. At some point I need to tackle the collection room, which is still a mess, but one hoard at a time.

YOIS News Archive




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